I was practicing drawing crying eyes..
as you know I like water color.
I used to hate it, because water doesn't listen to me, they go everywhere out of my command.
but when I watch someone painting water color on youtube, they are so beautiful.
and now I like water color pretty much.
by the way, I've been working on making my website for Japanese.
I listing on ebay or Etsy, and this blog are all English. now its time for working on my country too.
so I was preparing my website, listing some stuff there, and also making new shirts, during I was having a cold...
now I'm getting better though.
so today, I'd like to talk about the cup.
this is my mother used to say.
you can major only with your cup.
if your cup were big, you can easily major a smaller cup.
but you cannot see how much is the ocean, because it is too big for you.
when you see a bigger thing than you, you find fear? admire? or both?
I felt this, actually felt this in my life.
when I found someone I used to admire was just a human.
when I get confidence in my saying.
I wish I would be someone's ocean someday. I'd like to be admired.. and impress people.
I wish I had a great imagination skill.
I like reading fantasy stories. and there are many non-existed creatures, such as dragons or elf or whatever.
and everything are so beautiful. and standing by themselves.
I can imagine, but I'm more like a audio person.
I hear good.
so even when I imagine something, I imagine more sounds than visions.
it means I need more practice of drawing.
talking about an audio person, I give importance to sound all the time.
for example I remember some stories correctly, because I don't care about the meanings or stories, I just remember the sound.
when I need to remember some numbers, I do the same. actually I don't remember the number, when I write the sound down and read it, and then, I see the number.
this is how it works..
by the way, I uploaded a new video on youtube. please subscribe or just let me know what you think on the comment ^^
have a nice weekend!
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