

I wonder if its only me..
I like 3/4 music. For example waltz.

I like 6/8 too which is almost like 3/4.

Recently, i knew there's 5/4 music.

I download some, and i really like it.
I feel like its stumble, great unbalance.

Both 3/4 and 6/8 has attraction, 5/4 has a big attraction too.

Nowadays most of pops music are 4/4.
It sounds very completed and perfect but in the same time its boring. Because art should be unbalanced in some part.

Perfect is not all the time perfect.

The number 4 is known as perfect. If you have 4 of sticks, you can make table. Tough table.
In bible also, we can see how this number is for 'perfect'

I wonder if its only me who find an attraction in weakness.

I used to think i was perfectionist. Because i always upset something doesn't make sence and say 'everything around me has to be perfect, everything have to be under my control'

This is kind of a big discovery of myself.
I'm attracted by unbalanced

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