I went to high building and saw my city.
I saw the shadow of the cloud laying down on the city.
There were shadow's side, and sunny side.
People who is in the shadow's side, they think its cloudy day, but people who is in sunny side, they think its sunny day.
I also saw its raining by the mountain.
Sunny day, cloudy day, and rainy day should be separated.
Because weather reporter say either one.
Just like we never know the truth, the weather is also mystery. I feel like we made a mistake how to call the weather.
Sophy's world, there was interesting example.
We are fleas living on rabbit skin.
Some fleas going up to the top of the far, and sees we are living on a rabbit!
Most fleas are keep living on the skin because its confortable, but they never know where they live.
In the book, who went up to see the world was philosopher.
Philosophy is breaking your mind up.
But just like 'nothing' in never ending story, it has strongly attraction.
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