Today is the day jesus christ died.
Friend of mine who is in jehovah's witness invited me to the meeting.
I go to this meeting every year.
Its kind of special, of course jesus is a famous person and he died in this date.
i still don't understand why they appreciate he dead. I don't understand why jehovah is a good god.
Actually i hate jehovah, but i don't hate jesus. So it makes sense i go to the meeting for think of jesus.
But somehow, jehovah's witness people make me clear my mind, which i don't like.
I'm a person who ignore everything what i dislike.
They want to dig me deep to reach it.
What is the purpose of life?
Is jehovah a only one god?
How to have a happy life.
Why people suffering?
Why there's so many wrong things in the world?
How life started at the beginning?
These are like dangerous drug for your mental health.
My youngest friend is 7 years old. He's in jehovah, and i feel confusion when he tells me about jehovah. Because he's so innocent.
He wanted me to come to the meeting, so he showed me a video on my pc. He explained me a lot, why i should appreciate jesus died, how vehovah is caring me, and how he can feel it and how he's happy in jehovah's side.
He's telling me so innocent.
I don't know what to say.
I think i'm just not good at living life.
I hate jehovah because he created this world without my permission.
He's testing everyone. He's alone. And he control everything that i don't. He acts like he's smart. he acts like he knows everything.
Maybe i just don't like the idea of 'god'
Ok, i stop. As i said, its dangerous drug.
I just go to the meeting to make my mom and friends happy.
So i will be able to ignore everything from tomorrow.
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