
An angel

My friend told me i'm like an angel.
She said i'm a bit different from other people. 

I do'nt agree with that i'm an angel because of my religionic thoughts.

But i appreciate her that accepted me.

i don't really know what angels like, neither god or devil.

If they are what can see everything clear?

The god can see all brightness and beauty?

The devil sees all darkness and violence?

If so, i think i'm more like devil.

I don't like the god.
He created this world.
Because he was alone.

He says 'give people whatever you want to receive.' (It can be a bit different because i only know this word in japanese) 

But what people like is all different.

Even if you like coffee, maybe she likes tea.
Even if you like cheese, maybe he doesn't like it.

The god thought its beautiful, but not for me.

He let us to choose by ourselves.
So the first human made an mistake.
They ate the apple.

The god killed them, because they made a mistake.

This world is like the god's simcity.

He is the rule, and he is everything.

People afraid of die.
Because it belongs to devil.

But why devil is bad?
Because the god set so.

Now back to the angel topic, if the angel is who can see the truth, if i see the truth.
I'm not attracted for the truth.

Especially the fact that people don't want any truth.

People gets upset when i talk the truth.

Politician speaks random meaningless things with difficult words.

School teaches children what are good for government.

Truth is always painful.

None wants painful truth, 
Then what is the point for seeking the truth?
what is the purpose for living?

I still don't have the answer.

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