this picture I draw as a flat and normal, for average.
because in fact, i drew only the feature of the face, the point of the eyes, space for nose, and mouth.
I put on her makeup.
yes, I used my real cosmetics. sounds fun, huh?
only mascara, I couldn't because she's a paper! she doesn't have hair!!!
so sadly her eyelash is painted by brush.
anyway, even me got surprised!
oh my god, makeup magic!
by the way, talking about my condition, its getting bad i guess, when I with my friends, I speak alot, tell them a lot, at night I regret , after wake up regret, but again when i see friends, I became super hippy woman.
the night i took the medicines, after that, I feel like i am nobody, and the medicine took my identity..can't walk, can't eat or drink.
but I should keep going...
see ya